
My engi­neer­ing port­fo­lio is com­prised of var­i­ous select soft­ware and hard­ware solu­tions. In the fol­low­ing list, I tried to col­lect the most rel­e­vant items that were cre­at­ed dur­ing my time in Tal­Tech first as engi­neer and then as research sci­en­tist and also out­side the uni­ver­si­ty in the scope of my free­lance efforts.

When you click on cer­tain items, you will be tak­en to pages where­in the cor­re­spond­ing projects are described. Oth­er times, you will be tak­en direct­ly to the page of the project (espe­cial­ly if the item is, for exam­ple, a web­site, since this type of con­tri­bu­tion should speak for itself).

To access my research port­fo­lio, please see the cor­re­spond­ing sec­tion.