Following research
Since this is a prototype, the form factor is not optimal.
of implementation of digital fractional-order controllers, I built a prototype controller. The PLC module is based on the STM32F407 microcontroller. The i/o module was designed to support some industry standard interfaces and has the following features:
- Thermocouple input, supporting type K thermocouples;
- Voltage input, range: $\pm$10 V;
- Current loop output: 0(4)$\dots$20 mA;
- Voltage output: range $\pm$10 V;
- Sample resolution: 12 bit on alanog channels; 14 bit resolution of the thermocouple converter;
- Sample rate: up to 10kSPS;
- Reference voltage: precision; on-board.
This setup allows to conduct experiments with laboratory equipment. An example experiment with the magnetic levitation system can be seen in this video.
Details about the implementation can be found in my Ph.D. thesis11A. Tepljakov, Fractional-order Modeling and Control of Dynamic Systems. Springer International Publishing, 2017..