
Music is my main hob­by. I play gui­tar and drums, com­pose, cre­ate orches­tra­tions, and design soundscapes.

On the web­site, I also host some music-relat­ed soft­ware appli­ca­tions. Con­sid­er a web appli­ca­tion and library designed with the spe­cif­ic pur­pose of pro­vid­ing facil­i­ties for musi­cal com­po­si­tion. It’s called Com­poser’s Friend (read about it here). It com­pris­es the cir­cle of fifths, a chord builder, part arranger, and fret and key­board visu­al­iza­tion. Thus, it can also be used to prac­tice gui­tar or piano based on the avail­able scales and chords. In that it is sim­i­lar to com­mer­cial soft­ware such as Gui­tar Pro. It also draws on some of the prin­ci­ples dis­cussed at length in the excel­lent Gui­tar Scales Method application.

On the basis of the afore­men­tioned library, I’ve also cre­at­ed a prac­tice tool for begin­ning sax­o­phone play­ers (being one myself) called Sax­o­phone Play­er’s Friend (more infor­ma­tion here). This one focus­es on melody con­struc­tion func­tion­al­i­ty and so also has a built-in part edi­tor and MIDI record­ing support.

Both of the libraries men­tioned above are open source and host­ed at GitHub. I’m also think­ing about con­vert­ing them to smart­phone and tablet applications.