Music is my main hobby. I play guitar and drums, compose, create orchestrations, and design soundscapes.
On the website, I also host some music-related software applications. Consider a web application and library designed with the specific purpose of providing facilities for musical composition. It’s called Composer’s Friend (read about it here). It comprises the circle of fifths, a chord builder, part arranger, and fret and keyboard visualization. Thus, it can also be used to practice guitar or piano based on the available scales and chords. In that it is similar to commercial software such as Guitar Pro. It also draws on some of the principles discussed at length in the excellent Guitar Scales Method application.
On the basis of the aforementioned library, I’ve also created a practice tool for beginning saxophone players (being one myself) called Saxophone Player’s Friend (more information here). This one focuses on melody construction functionality and so also has a built-in part editor and MIDI recording support.
Both of the libraries mentioned above are open source and hosted at GitHub. I’m also thinking about converting them to smartphone and tablet applications.