Laboratory equipment

I have man­u­fac­tured
Mil­li­volt­age source: man­u­fac­tured asset ver­sus pro­to­type
some lab­o­ra­to­ry equip­ment for edu­ca­tion­al pur­pos­es in Tal­Tech (small scale pro­duc­tion). The devices are used in automa­tion and con­trol the­o­ry relat­ed courses.

Two types of devices were designed and manufactured:

  1. Dig­i­tal­ly con­trolled mil­li­volt­age source (depict­ed here). This device fea­tures a rotary encoder with a push button—the user can change the out­put volt­age (includ­ing neg­a­tive volt­age) by rotat­ing the encoder, and cycle through avail­able lim­its using the push button.
  2. Type K ther­mo­cou­ple amplifier—this is a sim­ple, USB-pow­ered device that is used in a mea­sure­ment loop.

A few words
Hand-sol­der­ing such devices is almost nev­er done. But for a small series, it is doable.
about tech­nol­o­gy. The dig­i­tal­ly con­trolled mil­li­volt­age source PCBs were ordered from a man­u­fac­tur­ing plant (with the excep­tion of the pro­to­type which I pro­duced myself), while the ther­mo­cou­ple ampli­fi­er devices were all made using the ton­er trans­fer tech­nol­o­gy. All com­po­nents were hand-sol­dered and the cas­es were 3D-printed.

I have also man­u­fac­tured numer­ous DAQ and dig­i­tal con­trol boards which I have used in con­trol exper­i­ments through­out my Ph.D. study. Some rel­e­vant papers can be found in the pub­li­ca­tions list.